This beautiful cut flower bouquet is for that special person who is a Purple Lover. This bouquet contains purple. purple and more purple with accent colours of hot pink and lime green to contrast and bring out the purple! This is a cut flower bouquet suitable for the recipient to put in their own container.
This beautiful cut flower bouquet is for that special person who is a Purple Lover. This bouquet contains purple. purple and more purple with accent colours of hot pink and lime green to contrast and bring out the purple! This is a cut flower bouquet suitable for the recipient to put in their own container. If you wish to send this to someone who does not have access to a floral container, such as a patient in the hospital
This beautiful cut flower bouquet is for that special person who is a Purple Lover. This bouquet contains purple. purple and more purple with accent colours of hot pink and lime green to contrast and bring out the purple! This is a cut flower bouquet suitable for the recipient to put in their own container. If you wish to send this to someone who does not have access to a floral container, such as a patient in the hospital