This happy and bright flower arrangement in a smiling oversize mug is sure to bring a smile to the face of all who see it! Mauve roses are the star blooms amongst the cheerful yellow daisies and soft mauve daisies! This arrangement is perfect for almost any occasion.
Please Note the Premium Arrangement is NOT a one-sided arrangement, it will be all-around.
This happy and bright flower arrangement in a smiling oversize mug is sure to bring a smile to the face of all who see it! Mauve roses are the star blooms amongst the cheerful yellow daisies and soft mauve daisies! This arrangement is perfect for almost any occasion.
This happy and bright flower arrangement in a smiling oversize mug is sure to bring a smile to the face of all who see it! Mauve roses are the star blooms amongst the cheerful yellow daisies and soft mauve daisies! This arrangement is perfect for almost any occasion.